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Giving to the Cathedral Parish

Online Giving

Each parishioner is invited to participate in the mission of the church. Your generosity supports our ministries and contributes to our good works. The links above or the button below will allow you to tithe through our electronic giving system.

Transactions for wedding deposits, youth summer camps, or contributions to St. Vincent de Paul, etc. are also welcome through this system.

Notice to our donors through PayPal: Our account is not yet closed, however we hope to redirect your giving to our primary system for more proper accounting procedures.

Contribute to the Building Fund

Participate in a meaningful way in the capital improvements of the Cathedral Church and School. Help us provide enhancements to our campus for generations to come! The button below will connect you to the online giving system.

Catholic Sharing Appeal

Looking to make your pledge to the Catholic Sharing Appeal (CSA) online? Connect to the diocesan online giving page to help us reach our goal in support of our Diocese and Catholic ministry throughout the Panhandle.

If you are seeking another way to give, such as stocks, bonds, property, or estate gifts, we encourage you to reach out to us at (850) 438-3131 so that we can better assist you.