Faith | Family | Home You’re invited to the Cathedral family.
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Faith | Family | Home

You’re invited to the Cathedral family.


Office Hours
Monday - Friday
8am - 3:30pm

Weekend Mass Times
Saturday 4pm
Sunday 8am, 9:30am, 11am

Weekday Mass Times
Monday - Friday 6:30am
Saturday 8am

Wednesdays in Lent
3/26 7pm; 4/2 6:30pm; 4/9 6:30pm
Saturdays 2:30pm
or by appointment

Wednesdays 3pm-10pm

Catholic Sharing Appeal 2025

A Catholic Parish in Pensacola


Nestled among the trees of Pensacola's East Hill neighborhood, the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart is a symbol of the region’s Catholic Christian community. With the distinction of being the mother church of the Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee, the Cathedral is the pastoral home of the local bishop.

New or returning to the Sacred Heart community?

Attending Mass and ready to join the parish?

Looking for sacraments of any kind?

Curious about becoming Catholic?

Whether you phone or email us, we will personally guide you through the process.

At Sacred Heart Cathedral School, we live as disciples of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, striving for academic excellence and humble service to all. Founded in East Hill in 1906, we are rooted in our Catholic identity. We invite you to experience the difference of Catholic Education. 

Faith Formation

Through our family-focused catechetical program, parents are given a front-row seat in the formation of their children as Christian disciples and faithful Catholics. But faith formation is not reserved for youth, there are many ways in which we engage adults of all ages.

God transforms ordinary things like water, wine, and bread, to encounter His saving grace. We celebrate the Sacraments as the foundation of the life of a Christian. If you are a baptized Catholic seeking First Reconciliation and First Communion or Youth Confirmation, let’s get started today!