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The Cathedral Way

To discover God, grow in faith & community, and to share Him with others - that’s why exist.

The Cathedral Way

The mission of the church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ

This is how we understand that mission


God makes all things new.

There’s always more to discover, new ways to grow, and blessings to share.



God can be found. The light of faith can be discovered in even the darkest of times. God knows us and tries to catch our attention - often through the words or deeds of another person. Are you open to noticing the touch of God?



God always has more for us. Each child can be a young saint. Old souls are still on a journey. Lucky for us, growth in faith fits hand in hand with growing in community. How might you benefit by belonging to a faith community?



Jesus gave a new commandment: love one another as I have loved you. Love is simple yet always radical! The love we are to share is the love we’ve discovered and the love in which we’ve grown.

This is who we are called to be: disciples of Jesus that discover, grow, and share his love.

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