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Guidance: Catholicism



We’re glad to be a Catholic Christian community. Our faith tradition is ancient yet evolving.

We’re not perfect as church, but we work together to follow Christ.


The Sacraments

We celebrate the prayers and actions of Christ as he commanded. ‘Go and baptize’, ‘take and eat, this is my body’, ‘whose sins you forgive are forgiven’, etc. The commands of Christ and actions of the Apostles form our seven sacraments. And we gather together every Sunday at Mass to experience the source and summit of our faith, Christ in the Eucharist.

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Communal Life

We aspire to be a family, not isolated believers. We grieve, celebrate, pray, and serve together.

The seeds of faith can be discovered at a young age, but the journey of faith is lifelong. We’re called to grow each day.


Gospel Service

The love we receive demands that we share it. From passing on faith to delivering food, there are many ways to serve. Each of us has gifts to give. Where are you called to serve?